1B Percival Road
Stanmore NSW 2048
0423 710 057
maya floyd, psychologist & psychotherapist

Maya offers supervision for psychologists, counsellors and allied health professionals as a safe space for reflective practice and learning, designed to integrate the theory and the practice of therapy in a way that assists you to form a therapeutic approach that is authentic to you, and of benefit to the client.
The supervision approach is informed by the practices and philosophy of critical reflection, attachment theory, developmental theories, trauma theory, and existential and organismic philosophies. Emphasis is placed on conversations which help you reflect on your experience of interaction with clients and promote understanding of the therapeutic process and your role and responsibilities in it.
The focus of supervision is on your development as a practitioner, both in your skills and knowledge, and your development as an authentic therapist. Anxieties about competency and the ability to help the client are explored, as well as the personal and professional values and principles that guide you in your work and development as a practitioner.
Maya is experienced in supervision to healthcare professionals working in the following areas:
• Anxiety • Depression • Trauma • Addiction • Grief and loss • Family therapy
• Adolescent Psychology
As a fully registered AHPRA supervisor, Maya also provides principal and secondary supervision to provisionally registered psychologists for the purpose of completing the 5+1 internship programs to gain full registration as a psychologist with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).